Monday, July 13, 2009

SOSA Featured in Philau's new "Green" Education Plan

Hey All!

First of all...I am very excited about the posting beginning-so far I like what I see! (This is Viktoria by the way..I usually post under PHILAUSOSA although other leadership team members also have the power to do so)

Secondly, SOSA has been recognized, and promoted by the university in a big green PR (public relations) push that was just published.
SOSA has been featured in the University's Four Point Approach to Sustainability- Philadelphia University: A National Leader in Green Education. You can visit check it out by going to the philau home page (it's right on front) or just by going here!!!

There are some pictures-including a few of us in the garden and the plastic bottle installation that was built for our first ever sustainability fair! I encourage you all to check it out!

P.S. The blogging continues this week with a Post by myself on Chapter 2 of Cradle to Cradle: Why Being Less Bad is No Good so be sure to respond, again for a chance to win $50!

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